Lander University
Recent News About Lander University
H-1B Insights: Employers classified under Educational Services industry file 14 petitions in Upper West SC News publication area throughout 2024
Employers classified under the Educational Services industry based in the Upper West SC News publication area submitted 14 H-1B petitions during 2024, according to data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.
Students paid the same for higher education in Greenwood County in 2022-23 school year
College tuition fees were unchanged in Greenwood County in the 2022-23 school year, according to the latest disclosure from the National Center for Education Statistics.
Fall 2022: 67% of applicants to Greenwood County's 3 universities were admitted
Greenwood County's three universities admitted an estimated 67% of applicants for fall 2022, a decrease from the previous year.
South Carolina: White students most represented ethnicity at Greenwood County universities in 2022-23 school year
Enrollment data for the three universities in Greenwood County revealed white was the most common ethnicity among students in the 2022-23 school year, according to the latest disclosure from the National Center for Education Statistics.
South Carolina: Greenwood County's basketball teams budget decreases 9.5% in 2023
Greenwood County's basketball collegiate teams received $1,825,809 in funding for the 2023 season.
How much did Greenwood County spend on athletically-related financial aid for college students in 2023?
Greenwood County's only university paid $3,145,559 in athletically related financial aid in 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
2023: How much was spent on Greenwood County women's football teams?
Women's football teams from Greenwood County received no funding during the 2023 season, unchanged from the previous year.
How much did Greenwood County spend on men's football teams in 2023?
Men's football teams from Greenwood County received no funding during the 2023 season, unchanged from the previous year.
Greenwood County’s women’s basketball teams receive $857,621 in 2023
Women’s basketball teams from Greenwood County received $857,621 during the 2023 season, down 13.1% from the previous year.
Greenwood County’s institutions spent $968,188 on men’s basketball teams in 2023
Men’s basketball teams from Greenwood County received $968,188 during the 2023 season, down 6.1% from the previous year.
Greenwood County's only university spent no money on their football teams in 2023
Greenwood County's collegiate football teams did not receive any funding during the 2023 season, the same as in the previous year.
15.3% of Greenwood County students played sports on collegiate teams in 2022
Greenwood County's only university had 15.3% of its student body playing sports on collegiate teams in 2022.
2022: 17 coaches at institution in Greenwood County earned on average $83,975
The average coaching salary at Lander University, the only institution paying coaches during 2022 in Greenwood County, was $83,975, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
Lander University: I Am Lander 150: The Educational Influence of Samuel Lander Continues
I Am Lander 150: The Educational Influence of Samuel Lander Continues
Lander University: Lander Panelists Discuss Link Between Hope and Healing
Lander Panelists Discuss Link Between Hope and Healing
Lander University: Leaders of the Lakelands: Eric Delgado Named City Administrator in Laurens
Leaders of the Lakelands: Eric Delgado Named City Administrator in Laurens
Lander University: Lander Students Place Big at South Carolina Speech and Theatre College Festival
Lander Students Place Big at South Carolina Speech and Theatre College Festival
Lander University: Lander History Exhibit on Display in Jackson Library
Lander History Exhibit on Display in Jackson Library
Lander University: Lander Holds Family Day
Lander Holds Family Day
Lander University: Lander to Host Transfer Week for Prospective Transfer Students
Lander to Host Transfer Week for Prospective Transfer Students