Lander Board of Trustees Freezes Tuition Eight Years in a Row | Lander University
Lander Board of Trustees Freezes Tuition Eight Years in a Row | Lander University
The Lander University Board of Trustees voted for the eighth consecutive year to freeze tuition and general fees during their meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 13. The vote was unanimous.
Since 2016, Lander’s tuition has remained frozen at $5,350 per semester, or $10,700 per year, for full-time, in-state students. The general fees, which were locked at $500 per semester in 2017 ($1,000 per year), also remain frozen. Dr. Todd Gambill, vice president for Enrollment and Access Management, says keeping the tuition costs low and consistent helps students and their families plan for the cost of their college education.
“Our president and Board of Trustees are committed to making a Lander education accessible to South Carolina families,” said Gambill. “Freezing tuition is especially important during times of inflation and financial uncertainties. We are thrilled to continue offering an outstanding, affordable education to our qualified students.”
Lander’s affordable tuition rate is coupled with continued growth in the University’s enrollment. For the Fall 2022 semester, Lander’s enrollment following the first week of classes was at 4,170 students—a seven-percent increase over the previous year, and a 54-percent increase since 2015. Some of South Carolina’s elected officials have referred to Lander as “the fastest growing institution in South Carolina.”
Lander’s regular tuition freezes have echoed the calls from the South Carolina General Assembly to keep college tuition affordable for students in South Carolina. “Our board members believe higher education should be affordable and accessible for the students we serve—91 percent being residents of our state,” said Lander University President Dr. Richard Cosentino. “We are proud of the quality education that we provide South Carolina’s citizens to prepare them for the workplace and the world, and that we are able to do so at an affordable price.”
Donald H. Scott, chair of the Board of Trustees, commended the faculty and staff for providing Lander’s students with an enriching educational experience. “We want students to focus on developing the professional skills they need for their future careers,” Scott said, “not worry about costly student loans after they graduate. We are thankful for President Cosentino’s leadership, and for the hard work of our faculty and staff who teach, recruit and retain high-caliber students.”
Original source can be found here.