Shaheena R. Bennett Board President Elect of the SC Bar - Monks Corner |
Shaheena R. Bennett Board President Elect of the SC Bar - Monks Corner |
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period. Lawyers in good standing do not have any complaints or disciplinary actions being taken against them.
Despite the long history of the legal profession in South Carolina, the state has the nation's second-lowest lawyer-to-population ratio.
More than 1,000 ethics complaints have been made against South Carolina judges who handle the state's major cases in circuit court. However, there were no judges who were publicly censured.
A South Carolina lawyer makes an average annual salary of $98,893 a year.
Lawyer Name | Name of Firm | Date of License Granted |
William Ryan Nichols | WRN Law LLC d/b/a Ryan Nichols Law | 11/17/2014 |
Tyson A. Johnson Sr. | S.C. Department of Social Services | 11/16/1998 |
Christian Giresi Spradley | Moore Bradley Myers, PA | 11/18/1997 |
Deborah Neese | S.C. Family Court | 05/14/1981 |
Kathy Ouzts Rushton | Kathy Ouzts Rushton, PA | 11/12/1980 |
Lewis W. Burke | University of South Carolina School of Law | 11/11/1975 |
Peter D. Korn | Korn Law Firm | 11/14/1974 |